It's snowing in Moscow!! Yippee!
This entire journey has had so many twists and turns and one of the great privileges has been getting to know the team of women who have worked on Kyla's behalf here in Russia to help bring her home. Friends and acquaintances have asked us more than once if we have ever felt "frustrated by corruption" during the adoption process or if "the whole thing is just a big racket?" Well we can answer with great confidence that the women who have worked so hard to help bring this adoption dream to fruition have done it with a deep seated passion that comes from a love for the orphan and with a genuine desire to see children in families, not merely facilities.
One of these women is Marina who lives here in Moscow. Marina is a true babushka (Russian for grandmother). She has a daughter and grandchildren of her own who live here in Moscow as well. She also has a master degree in English, a master degree in patent law and she happens to be an expert in Russian history as well as in opera. This woman is no dummy. She can move mountains in this city and she has chosen to advocate for orphans. She has personally overseen the adoption of over 140 children since the early 1990's. When she first met up with us in the airport here in Moscow she hustled and bustled us through to the train station with the prowess of a wizened expert. She moved so quickly, all the while insisting on taking one of our larger suitcases, that I finally said to her (with a smile), "Marina, slow down, you are a babushka you know." She looked at me with a sparkle in her eye and said, "Ah yes, but I am a RUSSIAN babushka... Now hurry along or we will miss our train."
As we scurried through the airport we made our personal introductions and discussed the basic details about how the adoption process had gone up to this point. Just as we were turning the corner around a smoke filled corner coffee shop she cryptically questioned me about "the Volunteers". Although I was never able to get the full picture of what she was referring to I thought the mystery of our dialogue was worth mention. The conversation went something like this (as best as I can remember it):
Marina: "So, did you get a chance to meet The Volunteers at Kyla's baby house? I hope they didn't cause you any trouble."
Me: "What Volunteers? You mean the workers?"
M: "Ummm, no. The Volunteers...they have been extremely concerned with Angelica (Kyla) in particular for quite some time. You didn't meet them?"
Me: "I'm sorry, Marina, but I have no idea what you are talking about. Who are The Volunteers and why were they concerned about Angelica?"
M: "Oh never mind then. I thought you had maybe encountered them. It is no big deal. Don't think of it anymore."
Me: (pause for a moment, partly to catch my breath as we continued to hurry on) "Marina, I'm still curious... Who are The Volunteers and why were they concerned?"
M: "Oh, don't worry yourself about it. Sometimes they can just meddle too much and I wanted to know that they hadn't caused you a problem. There are many of them-both here in Moscow and also in Vladivostok. They were very concerned about Angelica in particular, The Volunteers both here and there that is. They were worried that she may not find a family and they were asking and praying that she would have a family come to her. I hope they didn't cause you a problem."
Me: "Let me get this straight. These 'Volunteers'-- they have been praying for Angelica? Are they nuns or something like that?"
M: "Yes, that is correct. They have been very concerned with her for a long time and they are even now asking how she is doing. They are very thankful that you have come.... Anyhow, hurry on. We mustn't miss the train, it is cold."
And that was it. No more details. No more answers.
What I don't know is who The Volunteers are, how many there are or for how long they have prayed.
What I do know is that they have prayed... Prayed for my baby girl before I had ever laid eyes on her or likely had ever even known of her name.
Thank you, Volunteers.
"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2